Saturday, December 21, 2013

Wheelchairs and wheelers

Yesterday’s trip to here started out in a panic. The flight to Nashville was delayed meaning the connecting flight there on to New Orleans would have departed. Luckily 21 people on the first plane were going to New Orleans, so they held the second plane for us all. This is the first time Jeff got to use his disability, and while quite shocking to see wheelchairs waiting for him in Raleigh and Nashville and New Orleans, we were both so glad they were! Nashville is a large airport and doing a mad dash from one side to the other to get to the connecting plane would have surely brought him to his knees. The guy wheeling him did a terrific job, and the girl who collected him in New Orleans walked so fast I was out of breath keeping up with her all the way to baggage claim. Because of the delays we didn’t actually get here until 9:30. Then the dilemma – go explore or chill? All I can say is deciding to book 3 nights here when we get back from the cruise was absolutely the right thing to do! This hotel is charmingly cute, with a traditional New Orleans balcony.  Last night, by the time we took a short stroll along our street we were both too knackered to go and explore anything. Just came back, sat on the balcony and pinched ourselves. This morning we took a slow stroll down deserted Bourbon St and stumbled across the Café Beignet. Ha! Needless to say we all know what Jeff had for breakfast! I’ve posted a couple of shots of our hotel and this morning on the New Orleans tab but really it will be next weekend for the main New Orleans photo opportunities... OK.... off to find a ship!

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