Friday, December 20, 2013

To permet mo entrodwir mo-mem

No I'm not drinking... I am practicing my New Orlean's vocabulary, or more specifically Cajun-speak! 
Yep - in 10 hours from now Christmas officially starts! Cannot believe as I sit here in my dressing gown, fluffy slippers and hair sticking out every which way I will be leaving the house in a few hours headed for the airport and then on to the ten day adventure!
Hope to post updates and photos as we go along, especially about the food in New Orleans but there may be intermittent silences. The cruise ship charges $7.99 a MINUTE for internet - so those six days may be patchy!
As they say down there "Laissez les bons temps rouler!!!


  1. I am so excited for you and Jeff! I am stuck at home by myself for the holidays, but not to worry... I don't mind it! Im really looking forward to watching the dominos pizza tracker, anyway :) have lots of fun and post it so I can pretend Im there! Will definitely look forward a visit to see you guys this coming year!! Lots of love!
