Saturday, December 28, 2013

Internet Wilderness... it can be a blessing

So.... the cruise line charge turned out to be right..  $7.99 a minute and when I did try... it didn't work! That's when you come to realize a). Your thoughts of the day doesn't seem to matter after 7 days, b). You get to an age where cropping/editing photos of tourist traps that you don't actually care about aren't quite your thing and c). Life is not always about carrying a camera around with you. So..... I hate to be dismissive and succinct.... but.... the cruise was bloody brilliant!!! Met some GREAT people who have promised me pictures (if they send them I will post).... in short.. if you want to see a real cruse blog from me - check out last years cruise - - the ship shots would have been almost identical, Nassau would have been identical. As for Key West? We deliberately avoided museums and shore trips.. and headed for Ernest Hemingway's Bar - Sloppy Joe's - which turned out to be a tourist trap. So we left.. found a cute quiet bar for an hour and then re-boarded the ship. Nassau - brilliant! Revisited the old friends from aforementioned blog. Cococay - we never saw - the weather was too rough for the tender boats - so that port of call was cancelled. BUT it WAS as brilliant cruise! I got 7 days of no internet (aka - no work emails), Jeff became a legend holding court in the smoking deck, If those wonderful, funny, great get-along people send those pictures I promise post them!
But I have come to realize I actually named this blog right. This blog won't be about a cruise... it will be about New Orleans and food. This morning we got back to New Orleans (referred to here after as N.O)... and though the first five hours were spent miserably wondering what to do in all the rain..... the  next 7 hours were the best hours I can ever remember! Will document more about this tomorrow with photos, I promise.... but tonight I just have to savor the fact I got to see three amazing bands on Bourbon Street... ate Creole for the first time, had a washboard player play us home street by street for 5 blocks while we second-lined behind him AND THEN once at the hotel while smoking a fag on the balcony before going to bed heard music... looked down.... bugger me.... cop sirens and jazz music.... and a spectacle... a New Orleans wedding march.!!!! Stood there waving a white hankie from my balcony at a Bride and Groom walking the street being first lined by the New Orleans marching band, and a HUGE second line of over 200 people..... I promise to break all of this down in detail with pictures tomorrow... tonight... all I can say is.... I apologize for the lack of cruise stuff.... but......  not really... like I said before I think this blog is going to be a New Orleans/food blog after all!

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