Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Revillon - I didn't know that was what my tastebuds are for!

Dec 30th part 3....... A food tradition in New Orleans for special occasions is to eat Revillon. Essentially a set course of 4 or more courses inspired by the season, the availability of fresh ingredients, and local traditional dishes. After getting all dress up for John Besh's "August" restaurant, it didn't take long to decide to go with his Revillon menu, as to try and guess just one or two dishes a-la-carte and get it wrong would have been disastrous! Three days in New Orleans is not enough to automatically know what you are eating and there were thing to try I hadn't ventured into yet. All I can say is...... I have eaten in many fine dining restaurants, some of which I loved, some which left me cold. The reason I like these restaurants once in a while, is to taste foods I would never have the opportunity to try or to experience and ingredient reinvented in a whole new application and then feel like Anthony Bourdain as I criticize and critique (like I know what I'm talking about! Ha!). 
I have to say Chef Besh was the first to illicit two extremes of critique in me and why he is my favorite to date - he didn't play it safe. His gambles elicited genius in two dishes, great food in three and one that left me stone cold. I like gamblers!
One of his dishes was the most spectacular I have EVER eaten - the Turtle Soup. I could live on that for the rest of my life. The demi glace ran a close second. Unbelievably good.
The entree however, left me hmmm-ish. I'm still not sure what was in that crabcake looking thing and neither of us could tell whether the green part was collards or spinach.
Overall though I have to say to date he is my favorite over the other celebrity chefs which include Tom Colicchio, Joel Robuchon, Gordon Ramsey, Emeril. Mostly for staying true to the food groups of Louisiana, presenting them impeccably, and yes I'm saying it again - the best thing I have EVER tasted - the turtle soup.
Pictures posted on food page, plus on on the New Orleans page of our high class ride home to the hotel - on a bicycle! LOL

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